Tuesday, May 26, 2015

All About Pandas

Today's facts are about Pandas!!!

  1. Did you know that Pandas are black and white and live in the woods of China?
  2. Pandas are mostly omnivores which means they eat plants like bamboo.
  3. Pandas are big eaters and eat for 12 hours each day.
  4. Did you know pandas are born pink and weigh about the size of a pencil?
  5. Pandas do not hibernate so when Winter arrives they head down to their mountain homes to warmer temperatures.
  6. WE NEED TO SAVE THESE CUTE PANDAS BECAUSE THEY ARE ENDANGERED!!!! P.S. Endangered means that the Pandas are in trouble and may become extinct soon. 


  1. What great information about Panda's.

  2. I love pandas! Have you seen this video of a red panda playing in the snow? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSehQsYU9h4

  3. That is the cutest pic of a panda! Thanks for sharing!

  4. This panda is adorable. I have seen a baby panda is it was very tiny.
